
By Photogen

My Hygienist

I see my hygienist four times a year and my dentist twice. Between that and my electric toothbrush my oral health is pretty good, all things considered. Today was my first appointment of the year with hygienist Louise. Here she is with one of the tools of her trade. Apart from removing any build-up of plaque, she lets me know if there are any teeth not receiving sufficient brushing which shows up as gum inflammation. I need to order a new toothbrush as the rotating part has come loose and is in danger of taking off like a tiny helicopter across the bathroom!
The small computer in the background records my results and they are fired over to my dentist's computer. On the days when I have a follow-on appointment the dentist knows immediately whether I've a clean bill of dental health or there's trouble ahead. Dental hygienists working in tandem with dentists provide great oral health care, and ensure we keep our happy smiles!

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