Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Staying close to home

Mum is still rather poorly today. I managed to persuade her to stay in bed this morning and she did not vomit again, but she has no appetite and feels generally grotty.

It's been a very grey, cold day, but I ventured out for a very short walk this afternoon. The viburnum at the front of our garden is well into bloom and the fragrance is almost too strong! Here it is with one of the beech trees and the front of the house as the backdrop.

What wonderful news in the USA. We've been hanging on with the radio broadcasting all day until we heard the outcome. I suspect there will be a few shenanigans ahead from the current president and I hope the courts can quash his lawsuits asap. Very interesting times and great to see a woman as the vice president too.

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