Pleasant pheasant!

This young male pheasant decided he would stroll across the garden while Reg was on lookout duty! Reg is a stalker and was almost on the pheasant before it realised! It flew over the chicken wire but then crashed into the fruit cage further down the garden. Barry went to check it was ok and was able to lift it, probably because the poor thing had been frightened half to death by Reg then stunned by its collision! It seemed very calm and not noticeably injured, so I took some photos, Reg in the bottom of the shot very annoyed that he was on the wrong side of the wire! We always have pheasants strutting about the garden when Reg is indoors,  but they always hop into the next field when they hear the back door opening and Reg appearing! Hopefully this one will now have learnt the protocol. Barry popped this one in the chicken garden, who don't mind sharing with pheasants and all manner of other wildlife, so it could recover in safe surroundings and then fly off when it was ready. We checked it had gone later, probably feeling very embarrassed! 
I spent three hours digging in the garden. Before I explored the no-dig route of growing, last year we cleared a patch that was thick with nettles and docks up by the house. We've not had huge success as I think it's just still too stony despite having cleared what felt like tons of rocks, rubble and stones! I have now cleared the patch, except for a few cabbages still growing, of all the weeds and yet more stones, ready for next year. I think I will avoid all root crops there and hopefully have more success with lettuce, chard which grew well this year, and some nice greens. I do still like to see a freshly dug piece of earth, extra photo, despite the hard work. Still a small area in the corner to complete but my neck told me it was time to stop!  One boulder too many moved!
Tomorrow's forecast is gloomy so I think that will be a Luna day.

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