Leading lines...

...today's theme for MonoMonday, and thanks to Majoayee for hosting this week. Another beautiful day--73 degrees and sunny. Tom had his lab work drawn & as I figured, he needs another unit of blood so he'll get that tomorrow. When we got home, I went for a walk & ran into my next door neighbor who walks a similar route, so we were chatting for awhile. She's truly amazing, as she's 88 years old--sure doesn't look it--and walks faster (& frequently farther) than I do. She reminds me of my grandma. I took this image over at the Seminary, as I love the row of trees that lines the road up to Henni Hall, & I never noticed until today that there are "leading lines" from the sidewalks flanking the statue of Father Henni as well. Hope you're all having a great start to the week.  :)

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