Through the garden arch

I've been working at home today.  I did some gardening and belatedly got my bulbs and winter pansies planted. I did a bit of cutting and tying in plus digging up some of the self seeded plants that will be given away or put in different parts of the garden.  I don't tidy it up too much as the birds love the seed heads and they give the insects somewhere to hibernate.

I have a trellis that hides the compost bin and an arch above which has a climbing rose growing over it.  I haven't told it but there's a death sentence hanging over it.  It's extremely vigorous and only blooms for a couple of weeks a year which means that it's not suitable for my very tiny garden.  I'm leaving it there for the winter as the birds peck around the leaves but in spring it will be replaced with a clematis.

The nasturtiums have grown up the side to about 6 feet tall, they were fighting for light with the runner beans that were nearby.

The cotoneaster behind is popular with the birds too as it has so many berries.  They prefer the hawthorn berries so none have been eaten yet.

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