A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Not been inspired to go out today. Church is closed again so I tried the Cafe Church Zoom service this morning for a change, in the main the same people as usual. The theme was ‘light’ and we had some nice related songs.

I got some blackberries (picked in the woods) out of the freezer and made a crumble with a couple of the freebie apples I picked up on our village walk earlier in the week, that will be a nice addition to the roast beef we are having for tea.  I’ve sliced up the remaining three apples to put in the freezer, with half a tub of blackberries left in there too that’s another one ready to go.

Whilst in the mood I decided to make some sunflower crunch. Just a variation on flapjack but particularly liked by my son.
I make him some every few weeks and he gets the bulk of them but they are always those pieces that don’t come out of the baking tray very well which we keep and eat ourselves as well and all the crumbs. As near as you can get to guilt free treats! You can convince your self of anything!

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