Red-bellied Woodpecker ...

... came for a visit.

I was up super early this morning as I had a routine MRI to check on an abdominal cyst that I've had for years.  It sits at the neck of my pancreas so we have it checked yearly to make sure there are no changes. I wasn't able to eat or drink for 4 hours before the test but I had to have my morning coffee!

If it weren't for the MRI and having to get up early I would have totally missed seeing this beautiful Red-bellied woodpecker in the birch tree out front!  Isn't he simply gorgeous!?!  I've added an extra of him where you can really see his red belly.  

The lighting was very poor as it was before 8 am.  I had started by using my camera for some shots ... very bad shots!  Then Richard pulled out the mega-telephoto lens on his camera and the shots were so much better.  At least I think so!

I'm forgoing posting to Mono Monday on this journal as this photo absolutely had to be in color!  However, I did post a cute MM shot to my SquirrelsEtc journal. And I will have eventually post my weekend pictures but they will have to wait for another day. 

The COVID-19 stats are a two day total as I can't find the data from Sunday.  

Pennsylvania COVID-19 by the numbers (11/23/20):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania  - 314,401 * (two-day increase of 11,837)
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania - 9,870 (two-day increase of 69)
Cases in Northampton County -  7,984 (last death count was 328)
* Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.

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