Tiny Tuesday ...

... Tiny, big, biggest.

I've had this this Japanese maple leaf for some time now just waiting for the opportunity to use it.  I have also collected two other leaves over the past few days so that I might show the relative size of the tiny maple leaf.  Kind of lame but this is what I'm going with!

I only sat outside for a very brief time today photographing the squirrels. When I came in I said to Richard that it felt cold enough for snow.  And I was right!  As I was reading the paper this afternoon I happened to look up and out the front window ... only to see that it was snowing!  Thankfully only flurries that didn't amount to anything.  But I quickly ran out back with the macro lens so that I could record the snow event.  I've added an extra of one tiny snowflake.  Not best picture but I wanted to have it on record that today was the first snow fall of the season. 

Thanks to Greg (Sheol) for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.  

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