Capital adventures

By marchmont


Another morning of deleting about cycling or driving to the pool. I chose to cycle which was the best decision. Normally the pool is quiet on a Friday, but not today. It was also not quiet in another way, the lifeguards had Forth 1 on loud.

Home to order a gift, sort out accounts and package up clothing returns. Outside it was squirrel heaven. 4 at v one point in the munching their way rapidly through the peanuts I put out last night.

A couple more packages arrived. Replacement ID discs for Willow and a surprise, very large box, for me. More of that later.

Willow decided that chasing squirrels was a good diversion, not that she caught any. I moved the peanuts and that really confused the squirrels, the fat balls are not nearly as tempting and they can't get into the one squirrel proof feeder.

It's Friday so the trip to Margiotta and then I prepared the apples off salvaged yesterday for freezing.

I am really tired. I think it's winter kicking in, I need sunlight and warmth.

More fun tonight and probably more discussion about tiers and levels and relaxations. I am determined to stay chilled.

My heart has become my Covid commemoration, completed in lockdown.

F2F - 3
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 1

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