An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Cook shelf...

Backblipped 01.12.20

I was up and in the pool for 8am.  Hip and knee pain was pretty bad at the start but having sorted out my playlist before I went in (no more rapping) I was soon motivated and moving.  Oh to be as graceful and functional on land as in the water!  

Alan had an appointment with the hygienist this afternoon. We're concerned that he's not letting his support team brush his teeth properly and this is causing his gums to become sensitive which makes him even more reluctant to let them brush his teeth.  A vicious circle.  

Normally they would have him in as a day patient, knock him out and give him a thorough scale and polish as well as take x-rays to check for cavities (always had a clean bill of health.  No fillings.  I worked very hard from when he was a baby to make sure he had good oral health) but understandably they're not doing that at the moment.  She's given us some Corsodyl to rub on his gums and recommended we get a small electric toothbrush.  We will but I'm pretty certain when he hears the buzzing noise it makes,, he won't let it anywhere near his mouth!

She's going to get back to us in a few weeks with an appointment where she will attempt to do a tiny bit of scaling and polishing whilst he's awake, and in the meantime she's trying to persuade the powers that be to allow Alan (and another of her patients who has similar difficulties as Alan) to have a family member with them whilst the procedure is carried out.  She and we know that without that, there's no way Alan will let her anywhere near his mouth.  

Alan was swimming later in the afternoon and I took advantage of the quiet to start thinking about what to make for dinner on 27th when our friends T&V visit.   Predictably I dozed off and woke myself up half an hour later singing Let it Go (from Frozen!)  Belting it I was!  Thank God everyone else was in the pool!

Having gathered all my recipe books from the shelves in the kitchen and the bookshelves in the living room, I went through them all and removed all the ones I know I won't use (Nikki has claimed them so I don't feel so bad) and finally, four years after the new kitchen was fitted, I have all my favourite cook books on the kitchen shelves.  

Well it doesn't pay to rush these little jobs!  :-))))

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