Second Breakfast

We've had a fun-packed day with Euan.  We were out early to do a circuit of the pond and to feed the ducks, then we pushed the stroller up the big hill and Euan walked down between us, before negotiating the wild wood.  Once home his Mum sat down to breakfast and Euan took his share of her weetabix, as you can see, then it was time for Mum and Dad to work, so out came the floorcloth, the fingerpaints and a bowl of soapy water.  Two pieces of art were created and there was much splashing and hilarity followed by a complete change of clothes.  We have had much climbing of stairs, lots of readings of 'The Great Big Bullfrog', a good game where Euan tried to drop his peanut butter on toast on the rug whilst Granny Wendy tried to catch it and all sorts of other fun.  

How much happiness can be generated by being with one small person.

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