An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hey there Mr Blue...

Backblipped 06.12.20

This morning when the alarm went off just before 7.30am I felt much better than I did yesterday morning so into the pool I went.

I mentioned the other morning how I had inadvertently ended up listening to really heavy rap music whilst in the pool (with no way to change it!) so I was prepared this morning and had downloaded two albums - a 70s disco dance compilation and an 80s dance compilation -  and had merged them and set them to shuffle so I would get tracks from both.

Got into the pool just as Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling came bouncing through the speakers.  Much better!  Motivation levels high!  

Not for long...

Turns out the 70s compilation had all the great songs, but recorded by some screechy voiced x-factor reject using a Casio keyboard in her front room.  Well that's what is sounded like!  And of course the shuffle function chose only songs from that album, apart from that first song and a tease when it chose Erasure.

I am very proud of myself as I forced myself to say in there for the whole hour and do my exercises but I skipped the relaxing float at the end!  

As a result I have spent a chunk of this evening making up my own playlist so Monday morning's pool session will, hopefully,  be easier on the ear!

After lunch I wrote a to-do list and seem to have gone from being incredibly organised to suddenly having lots to do!  

A drive round the block for a wee change of scene and a battery re-charge from the blast of fresh air, then back to tackle the first item on the to-do list.

I wasn't going to send Christmas cards this year, other than family ones, but we've started receiving cards and they contain such lovely messages that I felt after all that has gone on this year, perhaps I should touch base with people, so this afternoon I sat myself down with a pot of coffee and got them all written.  Still have some family ones to do but should be completely done by tomorrow and can post them Monday morning.  One tick on the list :-))

Also tomorrow decisions will be made on festive food menus and lists written for that, and hopefully a dent made in phase two of the secret project. :-))

19 sleeps!!!

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