Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Back to the birds

Back to my comfort zone today - birds!  It was very cold and windy so I spent a minimal amount of time in the hide.  Just long enough for a good sized group of House Sparrows, chickadees, titmice and house finches to come down to my feeding "station".  Meanwhile, this female house sparrow perched rather nicely on the cherry tree with a bleak winter sky as the background.  I kind of like that she is puffed up a bit, suggestive of the temperatures.

My Big Event of the day was visiting the audiologist for the first time in FOUR years!  I used to go every year and somehow I just got off track in recent years.  As I only have one "hearing" ear, I am extremely careful to limit any exposure to loud noise or anything else that might damage that ear.  And apparently I've done quite well as there was no significant change from my last exam.  I'm not sure who was more surprised - me or the audiologist.  She said to keep doing everything I'm doing and also said that cardiovascular exercise helps maintain healthy hearing - who knew?  Anyway, I am beyond happy with this news.  Never take your hearing for granted!

I was thrilled to see my lead story on the news today  was that the UK administered their first Covid jabs today!  That is such great news - not that it allows any of us to relax right now, but it's a step forward.  Hopefully our FDA will issue the EUA for the Pfizer vaccine this week here in the States.  And hopefully the current administration will have some sort of plan in place to start distribution, although I have concerns.

Continue to take all precautions, be safe, be kind.  Eat some chocolate.


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