A Temporary Resident

This horse and pony appeared in the field behind my bungalow last week. It's difficult to get a photo as there are trees close to the boundary and I had to take the photo through low branches. The field is normally used by a local farmer, but owned by the Council which owns and runs Holt Hall behind it as a centre for kids learning in the environment. Unfortunately the Council has announced it is to be sold, I hope this field doesn't become yet more housing or a car park (there is a risk of access to it by extending the road I'm at the end of). The Council man came to check the state of the trees as I'd made a complaint about the risk from them. I pointed out the one where the trunk splits, the dead branches and the trees with branches only on my side causing the trees to lean towards my bungalow. I also had two electricians pop in to replace the two LED security lights put in just over a year ago that had failed.  They replaced them with better new ones which they didn't charge for and will just charge £30 for labour which I thought was good. A Psychology Group Zoom meeting this afternoon, so the xmas jumper made its first appearance!

The PM has warned there is a 'strong possibility' no free trade deal will be struck with the EU. The next 3 months are going to be an extremely bumpy ride with a Covid winter as well. 

Day 270 / Day 9 of the 3 Tiers v2 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 516 to 63,082 (revised basis), with 20,964 new cases, 15,254 patients in hospital and 1,243 on ventilation. New cases are up 41% in a week. Globally cases to date passed 69m yesterday evening with new cases in the US up 3,265 yesterday, I think that's the highest yet in any country.  To w/e 6/12 London had the highest av infection rate at 191.8 per 100,000, with concerns also about Kent and Essex and the Health Secretary announces plans to prevent the spread among school children by mass testing secondary school age pupils in the worst parts of these areas (and others where needed). In Wales, secondary schools and colleges will move to online learning from Monday. The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine will be available in some GP surgeries from next week and in Care Homes before xmas. Travellers from the Canary Islands will now have to quarantine. Economic growth has slowed and the UK economy is still 7.9% below pre-pandemic levels. Sky News presenter Kay Burley has agreed to be off-air for 6 months and the other 2 reporters for 3 months after breaching regulations to celebrate her 60th birthday. An update to the NHS Covid-19 app has added the means to apply for the £500 grant if it gives a self-isolation order. The festive t-shirt worn by Margaret Keenan who got the first jab is one that the University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire Charity sells to raise money - it is selling like hot cakes with orders from around the globe. 

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