Joppa Quarry Park

There's good points and bad points to our 'A-Z of Edinburgh Parks' project.

The good points are.................... it usually takes us 1-2 hours to get to whichever park we are going to, so I get a really good walk. Today we walked along the Old Innocent Cycle Path and because there weren't many cyclists about I had lots of off lead run about time.

The bad points are.................... when we get to a park that we've never been to before, it usually turns out to be a muddy field with a kiddie play area, so not the most exciting place in the world.

We've never been to Joppa Quarry Park before but Ann said she thought it might be on the site of an old quarry so might be quite interesting. It wasn't! However we walked 5.74 miles which took us 1 hour and 49 mins so that was a very nice walk for me.

Jumped on a bus to come home just as it started to pour with rain and it's been pouring with rain ever since. I've just had another little trek around the streets on my lead but it was so dark and rainy that it felt like the middle of the night. Oh well, ho hum, only another week or so and then the nights will start getting lighter again. Yay.

Abercorn Park
Buckstone Park
Campbell Park
Dovecot Park
Easter Drylaw Park
Fairmilehead Park
Gyle Park
Hailes Quarry Park
Inverleith Park

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