King George V Park

Walked to 'King George V Park' today. Never been there before and it's not the most exciting park in the world for a little collie pup because there wasn't room for me to have any off lead run about time. However we walked there and back which was 6.85 miles and took us 2hrs and 12 mins. Also I had a lovely run about on the Meadows on the way there, so all is good.

Just watching the News …...................A new variant of COVID? That's even worse than the new mutated hybrid rats that seem to be populating Edinburgh. Was really hoping that 'Nicola' would put us into Tier 2 tomorrow. Can't see that happening??!!

.......................And now there's talk about changing the Christmas rules re meeting people.  Seriously?!  The people who want to meet up are going to meet up whatever the rules.  

People actually need to take responsibility for their own actions.  Ie, if you have 'old' relatives you actually need to make the decision as to whether it is safe for you to see them.  Ann knows people who have been seeing their parents throughout lockdown.  She also knows people who haven't seen their parents for months.  Everybody has a choice??!!  The trouble is...................... the Government has said that people can meet up over Xmas so that is what they will do.  It's a bit like when all the 'takeaway coffee shops' re-opened during first lock- down.  There were queues for hours just to get a coffee.  Why?  Why would anybody put themselves at risk just to get a coffee.  But they did and that is their choice.

In a way Ann is lucky because she doesn't have any family apart from two sisters, 2 nephews and 1 niece. 'Lucky' probably isn't the right word, but it does mean that she hasn't really got anyone else to consider apart from herself and me obv. For the first time in about 20 years she won't be driving hundreds of miles to spend Christmas with them. We're going to spend 'Christmas Day' with Ann's support bubble, Susi, so the plan is....................... Me & Ann will go out for a big walk together on Christmas Morning to make me tired and then Ann & Susi will spend the rest of the day eating and drinking & watching TV.  Oh and we might even play a few games via Zoom with Susi's son & daughter in law but Susi's in charge of that so who knows what might happen??!!


Abercorn Park
Buckstone Park
Campbell Park
Dovecot Park
Easter Drylaw Park
Fairmilehead Park
Gyle Park
Hailes Quarry Park
Inverleith Park
Joppa Quarry Park

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