
By ayearinthelife

Bad Connection

Mrs C pointed out last night that the TV picture looked like there was a small snowstorm going on in some parts of the picture. Can’t say I’d really noticed it myself but, once it had been pointed out, I couldn’t unsee it.
As the telly is only about a year old, I suspected the problem was rooted in what was plugged in to it, rather than the set itself. A quick Google search of the symptoms suggested a couple of things to try. Firstly, the very obvious turn everything off and then back on again! No difference, so on to the second suggestion which was to try replacing the HDMI cable. Wasn’t prepared to pay Currys prices for one, but if I ordered a cheaper (but equal quality) one off t’internet it would be another week before it arrived!
Could I put up with watching everything through a blizzard until then? No. But then I remembered I was storing a TV for my mum in our loft. A quick search revealed there was an HDMI cable with it so I swapped it with the doubtful one. Result! All little white spots instantly disappeared so problem solved.
I did order a new cable though, partly because I wanted one capable of dealing with Ultra HD and partly because I never know when mum might want her telly back.
And that rounded off the day nicely. Met up with my friend (outside) in the morning, had my first proper haircut for nine months in the afternoon and then ran a personal best 5K. All in all - a good day.

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