
By dunkyc

Drip drippin' down the drain

Work was utterly dead this morning. A planned meeting was cancelled with nothing to replace it, so I used the time wisely and blitzed the final leg of my Christmas wrapping.

I have the radio on in these quiet periods and was moved to hear ‘River’ by Joni Mitchell playing, which really is the most beautiful song. The piano throughout the number just seems so effortless to me, think I have a ways to go before I’m quite at that stage! On the plus side, the next book in the series has arrived, so I’ll be focussing my efforts on Puff the Magic Dragon for the foreseeable.

Feeling myself succumbing to cabin fever, I did take a walk around the block earlier to get some exercise and headspace in advance of the children’s arrival this evening. The absence of colour was stark and these uniform droplets clinging to the branch were about the prettiest thing I could find on a grim day.

I cheered myself up with an afternoon’s work in front of the fire before the children were dropped off and unfortunately there to witness a discounted sale of speakers to a friend who had kindly brought two massive tubs of sweets for ME/all of us. Amazing how uplifting it can be to see a friendly and familiar face even for a short while!

The day was rounded off nicely with the insanity of parenthood being double-underlined by the ignominy of trying to discipline the children whilst wearing inflatable reindeer antlers (see extra).

If you listen very carefully to the extra photo you can just about hear the last vestiges of my credibility breaking down and floating away on the breeze like Spider-Man and co at the end of Avengers: Infinity War…

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