A time for everything

By turnx3

Book exchange

In December, our Book club would usually meet at Nancy’s and have a pot luck dinner and a book exchange. However, due to Covid, we have been meeting since April by Zoom, and with Covid in mind, Nancy (we are members of the same church), suggested we could meet, wearing masks, in the Parlor at our church, which is quite a big room with widely spaced tables, and we could take our own food, so at least we could see each other in person. So six of us met at noon, and caught up on some news, ate our lunch, then exchanged books, which is done in the white elephant gift exchange way. However, today was quite tame, as only one person “stole” another persons gift, everyone else seeming quite content with their own choice. Last year was quite different, when there was a lot of exchanging going on! My blip is of my pick, At the Edge of the Orchard, by Tracy Chevalier, best known perhaps for her book Girl with a Pearl Earring. Tracy Chevalier is an American author, born in Washington DC, but went to college in Ohio at Oberlin College, and now lives in England.

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