The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

We finished it!

A bit like the first lockdown, perhaps, sheep wandering through the, it's the 1950s!

Steve had to help me mop up all the bits of sky and frosty twigs. By this time, our own weather was beginning to look a bit similar. I shall probably put this one up for sale on eBay or similar. It's a Gibson's and there are many pieces that can easily be slotted into the wrong places.

This is a back-blip....hmm, what did I do? I went to the post office to post another jigsaw off, then J and I went round the shops. The Wilko's sale was rubbish. Tier 3, which started the other day in Stroud, means that you can have a takeaway drink but there is nowhere to drink it. As J was feeling poorly and she has a heart condition, this was inconvenient. She requested permission to lean against a wall, and was given a glass of water. Eventually she recovered.

I visited G in her garden and gave her some crisps I had bought half price in Wilko's. Poor soul is addicted to Ready Salted! We were glad to see each other after several months of texting. She had a business proposition for me. Interesting... She also gave me some luxury mince pies, and I decided to walk the very long way home, via the food bank, as they weren't gluten free. Nothing inspired me in the charity shop where the food bank basket is located, and neither did anything in the two others I'd visited earlier with J. It's a time for sticking with dressing gowns, and nibbles, and novels, and for being afraid of going back to work because nursery children are not known to be socially distanced or hygienic.

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