Just For Fun

Our neighbours with the hens and bees are on holiday and we have to keep an eye on the hens and check their water etc.  That's the royal we, I don't personally do anything.  I am sending a picture a day to Beverley.  Today's was this blip.  The text said: Hen missing Mum has bedtime story with Ed.  The only picture book I had with hens in it was "The Fox Hunt' by Sven Nordqvist.  Yesterday we put a wine bottle amongst the hens and said: Hens hit the bottle while Mum's away.  Feel free to make suggestions of scenes we could stage.  
Nicole and the forester had productive fishing this morning and she caught her first snapper.  Even though she got up at four in the morning she then went for a bike ride into Nelson and had a swim at Tahuna in the afternoon.   

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