Asking Nicely

This morning Brian was up first and he went out to the Butchers'. He liked the look of the light so took his camera and visited the riverbank first to take a sunrise shot. So as he had his Blip virtually before I was out of bed! I knew he wouldn't want to be going anywhere later to take photos, particularly as it is so cold today. 

I wasn't incredibly keen on the idea either - I'm very reluctant to be out when it is as cold as it is currently, so I took some photos of Minstrel trying to persuade his Dad to part with some of his breakfast. As boiled egg in small amounts is a tasty, easy to digest source of protein for cats* he got his way (See extra!) Minstrel is strange with egg though. Bri always has two, and Minstrel always tucks in eagerly to a bit of the first one and asks for more. If the next bit he is given is from the second egg he turns his nose up at it. Without fail!

These shots show the sparse fur between Minstrel's ear and eye. I was concerned about this, but the vet had never commented on it so I knew it wasn't a real problem. I saw another cat- parent asking on Facebook about the same thing with her black cat and someone commented that it meant the cat was descended from a line of good hunters who had evolved less hair in this area to make their hearing clearer!

Not sure Minstrel would make a good hunter - he is not quiet enough! He miaows or chatters to potential prey and thunders around like he has hobnail boots on. He did once catch a young rat** in the kitchen though, and has taken down hundreds of  flies!

*It's not lost on me that I'm far more concerned that Minstrel should not eat anything that is bad for cats than I am about not consuming anything that is bad for humans myself!

**He claims it was a massive rat in the prime of its life!

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