Day 274 - Friday

Today was day 5 of the detox - I had to sleep longer again - which meant again i was behind with everything, but I chose not to get upset.

I had business banter for a bit at 9 am then continued with my daily stuff - went down to the shops, without falling on my backside on the ice and snow, then joined the Sangha session with Enrico and Lisa. It is interesting .. but all this heart and energy stuff is still new to me ....

I had a quick call with Vicky - the Yoga teacher who is doing the zoom sessions at Kelly's Club Synergy from next week onwards and got some good exercises for my neck as a bonus.

Neil was late and we had a late but nice dinner - and yeah - the last day without dairy and without my beloved berries ... I am so happy!!

No sugar, grains and alcohol with stay in place for at least another 25 days - but I am happy that dairy and berries are back!!!

Blipping a view from Belmont Bridge to the river. The building site is getting bigger and bigger - no clue what they are doing actually.

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