The Joy of Socks

The more pedantic amongst you may observe there are only five pairs of sex socks, in this six year celebration shot. I failed utterly to plan for this day, and in fairness it's more about the vagaries of the Blipfoto milestone than it is any actual anniversary. 

But I did order new socks! And they arrived half an hour ago.

As far as Mono Monday goes, there is a pair of two-tone specials. ;-) but in thematic bridge-like terms I kind of did it last November. It becomes harder in this strict lockdown to find something different to photograph, but the joy of returning day after day to this online community remains.

I began Blipping shortly before taking early retirement from National Grid, and over the six years it's been a daily record. After the slightly faltering start I've not missed a day, and it remains one of the more important parts of each day. Thank you for your own stories, and for your engagement with mine.

Six? We've barely begun!

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