A Gorgeous Day!

The podcast for the botanical garden went well, I think. It's always hard to tell when you're one of the speakers...I'll have to watch the recording later this week. But I'm glad it's over. 

Meanwhile, it was an absolutely gorgeous, sunny day. I managed to get my rolling stool outdoors for a short while this afternoon and scooted down the deck to the Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' which is just about to bloom as you can see in this blip! Oh I wanted so badly to work out in the garden...the weeds are sprouting and spring really looks like it's here. It's been quite chilly at the night - about freezing, with some potential light snow next week...although I'd be surprised if it materialized. Two more weeks on crutches...and then I'll be unleashed! 

Can't you practically smell the daphne...I can't wait!

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