Busy and Cold!

It was frosty this morning - I wished that I could be outside photographing the frost on the plants in the garden...but not yet...crutches on the icy deck just won't work. 

I did a lot of work on the botanical garden today - every day another connection and a bit of progress. And then I took my rolling stool out on the no-longer-icy deck this afternoon and clumped on my crutches into the garden. I took a photo of this hellebore on January 12th and today found a whole new set of blossoms coming along. Aren't they joyous? 

It was great to be outside for a bit and think about the spring and plans for the garden. 

Happy Inauguration! I was in tears much of the morning as I watched the President's speech....the most patriotic I've felt in a long time. And the relief...just amazing!! 

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