An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life..

and I'm feeling good! :-))

Certainly feeling better than I did on this date four years ago.

Weirdly Alan was recovering from illness then too (much more serious illness than what he had now) and although trying to be optimistic about the future of America (and the world!) under the 45th President, I had a bad feeling. Like many of us. And were were right. Good riddance!

I didn't expect to feel quite so emotional at the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States. It''s not as though I am American or live there. But I was feeling it for the friends who do and have suffered so much over the past four years as they've watched that monster almost destroy their country.

Every word uttered on Capitol Hill today felt like a soothing balm. I could feel the euphoria, the emotion, sense the collective sigh of relief, and feel the metaphoric relaxing of shoulders as four years of tension ebbed away.  

I don't know about anyone else, but for me there was a palpable sense of good replacing evil. There's a hard road ahead and I wish the new administration all the luck in the world.  

And I can't mention the inauguration without mentioning Vice President Kamala Harris. The first female, first black and first Asian-American VP. What an inspiration and beacon of hope, especially to those who have suffered in any way at all just because of the colour of their skin.  

And Amanda Gorman's poem?! Wow! How can someone so young have so much wisdom, empathy and understanding...and the ability to articulate it so perfectly.

Feeling more optimistic about the next four years than I did about the last!

My original blip was removed because of the copyright issue of uploading a photo taken from a tv shot.  I completely forgot about that rule.  Oops!  Thank you Blip Team for not only responding to my query so quickly, but also sending me the text from my original blip.  This is why I love this place! :-)

So now instead of a pic of Joe Biden swearing his oath of allegiance, you get the love heart headband I crocheted today for my great niece Esme.  I think the love heart is fitting sentiment to today's events :-))

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