Day 1

As usual on a Saturday I was in the Office. Alone, needless to say. 

I was able to walk there and back. I got wet on my way into town - hailstones which were not even hinted at in the weather forecast. It only lasted a few minutes, so I shouldn’t complain. 

I escaped with only 1 incident of Covidiots breathing on me. Joggers. Three of them. They were breathing all over each other too. The infection rate locally is almost back down to where it was in November, so maybe the risk is less. Or is it more because the English variant is more infectious, faster acting and more lethal?

Yes, the Blip! It is a small shopping centre near the Office. A medium sized Tesco was the anchor tenant for many years. Then 10 years ago the local council* gave another chain planning permission for a large supermarket on the edge of the town centre. The town already has 2 large out-of-town supermarkets, plus the usual sprinkle of Aldi and Lidl places.

As predicted by everyone with anything useful between their ears, Tesco shut down within a couple of years of the new place opening. Their unit has been empty ever since, and the smaller shops have gradually shut too as footfall dwindled to almost nothing.  

Now just two shops are still open. It is a shame. That Tesco was supremely convenient for everyone living and working in the town centre, and because it was next to the bus station, for everyone in town who does not drive. 

My homemade (100% Scottish) coleslaw is in the Extra, with a bit of 100% Fife venison loin. The blueberry sauce is a bit more exotic.  

* Council officers advised not to grant permission. The elected councillors rejected the advice. 

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