Sleep, eat, repeat

My new Wednesday routine, while the weather remains foul outside,  lie in bed listening to 'More or Less', get up and reject call from J, have shower and breakfast (feeding the cat as I go) then phone J back.  That takes me to 10.30 at least.  We had a long chat about the Sir Tom nonsense (I had to switch off the radio again this morning to avoid it, and I won't be at the door at 6) and for once we agreed on something.  We also agreed about the selfishness of folk who hassle the Health Service pushing for vaccinations to take place.  I've already fallen out with a friend about that.  J was a GP's wife for 35 years so knows about these things are her kids are medics, so also know about such things.  Her daughter in law is about to start as a vaccinator. So that's sorted out our bit of the world.

Tried to do some gentle exercise walking around the house, as I'm not going out in this cold and wet and after some emails got a piece of sad news.  J over the road, 92 in a month, died last night.  He had been unwell for a while but still sad.  At least he got home from hospital last week.  Spent some time talking to K, his daughter. Sadly her son can't get over from their home in Rome. And the house at the end of the road has gone up for sale. Another of my elderly neighbours died, but a while ago. 

After lunch back to the family history write up.  A bit of rearrangement was required as I've decided it makes more sense to go backwards rather than forwards. In the middle the promised call from the clinic nurse came, just to check I was OK.  Such excellent after care. 

It was trying to snow today and Willow once again spent the morning chasing pigeons and other cats outside and doing meerkat impressions inside.  And who would have though that the Irish border would have caused so many problems?  Well all of us who woke up the morning after the referendum going 'what about Ireland?'

I'm enjoying the Madhur Jaffrey story on R4.  This is my much thumbed copy of the book from her BBC series.  Sunday nights sitting in Inverurie were a Madhur Jaffrey curry followed by 'Jewel in the Crown'. Happy days, long gone. 

Tonight is choir and from tomorrow I'm going to start reminiscing day by day about my time a year ago in Australia and NZ, my pre Covid life.

Edit: choir was interrupted by two calls. One, from a ex colleague in Culter, I took. The other, video call from K in Inverurie, I rejected.

F2F - 0
Phone calls - 3
Virtual - 1
Recovery day 12

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