Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

On the lookout

The "interloper" is still here and he/she has developed keen observational skills, thereby avoiding being attacked by Lefty and Mrs Lefty.  Okay, in truth, he/she was looking up towards a feeder, assessing the distance.  The second after I snapped this, the branch was empty.

It is frosty today and I limited my time outside to several 30 minute sessions.  That was about all I could do without my feet losing feeling.  Happily, the sun dipped behind the clouds, leaving a perfect even light that is so perfect for photographing birds.  

I've been pretty much glued to the TV all afternoon.  I'm frankly astonished at how poorly the former president's defense team has done.  I'm not sure he could have gotten worse legal representation.  They showed the same video clips over and over and had no new information to convey.  And now they are answering questions from the Senate Floor - again, astonishingly inept.  Of course, I don't expect it will change the outcome.

We had six deer in the garden today, eating bird seed.  The corn I left out last night was long gone.  I do hope we get a warm spell soon to melt some of this snow.  I feel terrible for the deer who are having such a hard time finding food.  

Stay safe, wear a mask, be kind.  I recommend dark chocolate...


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