A day in the life

By Shelling

"Lovely spring-day"

A year ago, according to my calendar, we had a "Lovely spring-day". Sometimes I make a note in my calendar if there are  special weather days or "first gulls", or anything like that. The contrast is rather obvious in comparison. Today, on Valentines day, we had a beautiful winters day where one of my neighbours called for a grill-afternoon, after a skiing trip or a walk together. I couldn't join for the walk because I had decided to meet a guitar student, but I could come for the grill. We had a lovely hour and a half of chatting in social communion. 

Last year, on the fourteenth of February,  the spring flowers were well on their way and we had a splendid, mild sunshine day. Life was good and I can't remember worrying much about Corona at all.

The extra is taken 2020, but an hour later than todays picture, in The Grove nearby, where the blue anemones are usually early. I can assure you they are not present today under thirty cm of snow and 2 degrees frost.

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