
By AFoolOnTheHill

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

Practically snowed in for the last week and along with the biting cold temperatures, much time was spent indoors, except for a visit to the sports centre for my first Covid jag, AstraZeneca flavour, thank you NHS Scotland.

Took my Canon for a walk today in the local woods.

Have been listening to the new Blue Rose Code album this week "With Healings Of The Deepest Kind", a comfort blanket for the soul, also the first album I've bought from Bandcamp.

In other news "We shall build a tunnel from Scotland to Northern Ireland" a parting gift from the man who failed to build a bridge between London and London.

And in the end John Lennon passed his driving test this morning in 1965, beep beep, mmm, beep beep, yeah!

Stay safe my friends

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