The remote isn’t working, I wonder why?

So the puppy was suspiciously quiet and I thought he was sleeping quietly with Mr PHL in another room but he thought the puppy was with me. I heard the tv turn in in the living room and went to see what was going on and found these 2 remotes in bits. Naughty puppy! We don’t think he’s ingested any but will be keeping a beady eye in him for the next 24 hours.
Mr PHL has figured out how to work the tv via an app on his phone (as if that was the most important thing!)

Otherwise a quiet day, dog walk in the morning and with the snow melting fast I was glad I had my wellies on to avoid the puddles.

Spent several hours working on my latest knitting project of shawl which was proving tricky. Lost count of the number of times I took it back stitch by painful stitch but finally cracked it.

Miss PHL had a day in Glasgow doing some practical work for her post grad. The uni had sought permission from the Scottish government and gave each student a specific time slot to arrive and were escorted individually to their classroom. she drove through as she had to return camera equipment borrowed in November as it was too heavy to take on the train.

Thank you so much for comments and stars - much appreciated as ever.

Wee reminder that tomorrow’s TinyTuesday optional theme is Something you treasure and the Tag is TT299.

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