Tree Time 2021 part 2

Over to Meg today! My Mum didn't really seem to know who I was  - I don't mind that as it means she is polite to me! So it passed off quite well today. I had a few jobs to do and a form to complete.

I messaged Grace to bring my camera along when she came to fetch me. I needed to go into town for a couple of things so thought I may as well nip to the Brayford to take my tree photo for the month at the same time. The weather was much brighter and warmer than last time, but no change in the tree yet.

It's quite by coincidence that I Blipped my tree today - I have since had Joe Tree Day brought to my attention. We do indeed have much to thank Joe Tree for, as the founder of this amazing and unique community. Taking and choosing one photo a day to share gives such a different perspective on life - you notice so many things you otherwise may not. In these times of lockdown and restrictions it helps to have a daily challenge and focus to think about too.  Aside form the photography is a chance to be part of a richly diverse community who are guided by the principal of "Be Excellent". How many other online arenas are so un-blighted by trolls and trouble-causers? It is so good to have a glimpse into the day to day life of people who we would never be in the same orbit as normally, and to see that while we are so diverse, we are more alike than we are different. So yes, I am happy to have this somewhat fortuitous chance to say, from my heart "Thank You Joe Tree!"

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