If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

What is it?

Another nice sunny spring like day.  A quick trip to the Lodge to hang the last three doors.  Then home to meet the man from the village who was kindly taking away our old boiler.  It had been a problem as it was too heavy for Clickychick and I to manhandle either into the Volvo or our trailer.  Even if we had managed we wouldn't have been able to get it over the waist high wall to tip it in the skip.  Covid restrictions mean the recycling staff aren't allowed to help.  Fortunately Will has a flat back which we could between us slide it in and he would take it to the scrapyard with some other metal of his.

So on to the blip.   No I haven't been doing a bit of DIY brain surgery so the question is.  What is it.

After tonight's Coronavirus briefing it seems the earliest we can expect guests in the Lodge is mid April (12th).  All being well with the infection and death rate continuing to drop.  At least we now have a date to work towards.

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