
...the theme for AbstractThursday, & thanks to Ingeborg for hosting. I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for Tom, & having brought my camera along, thought I’d go to the lakefront. But on an impulse decided to stop at Seminary Woods & take trees & snow instead. Without our main computer & my editing program, I was reduced to trying to use IColorama on the IPad so it took me much longer than usual as I’ve rarely used it. But eventually I settled on the “star 3 painterly effect”, which I really liked—the original is in the extras. We’ve got a 7 day forecast of almost constant sun & temps in the mid 30’s to low 40’s (.5 - 5.5C), which is fantastic! I’m heading out for a walk soon, then need to get some chores done, as Mae is sleeping over night with us tomorrow. :)

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