Brim full of trouble

It's lucky I'm typing and not dictating. I'm a bit wobbly in the lip department and liable to bite my own tongue if not careful. Don't even think about a cup of tea... Yes, I've finally been able to go to the dentist!

Some time ago I broke a filling and we've been waiting for "the right time" to brave the terrors of being in a room with other people! The other week, having had the first jab a month ago, I decided the right time was long overdue.

I avoided a root filling, this time. There's no promise that won't be on the cards down the line. Isolating has it's problems... Still, it's a sunny day, and here's a fine young brimstone butterfly to take my mind off things.

In other news, the dots in the pond are now dashes...
Dots become dashes
Impending amphibians
Or fish food - who knows?

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