An afternoon at the bank

No, I haven't been after a loan, simply trying to replace the power supply to my garage. When we bought the house the power came from a socket under the house and the cable was contained in a 3" white plastic flexible land drain, which stretched from the garage all the way up to the house, some 30ft of bright white pipe.

I've had no power to the garage for some time after removing the offending pipe, so today I fixed a timber offcut across the gap to carry of piece of black alkathene pipe which the previous owners had conveniently left under the deck. Mrs M and I spent some time yesterday afternoon trying to push the cable through the pipe and finally achieved it - the cable and pipe are poking out behind the ladder - and now it's clipped to the timber and runs up the bank to the socket. All I have to do now it to try to bury the pipe in the thin soil up the bank! More ladder work, as the bank is too steep to climb about on.

Quote of the Day:

Thomas Huxley - "The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon."

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