Chickens in the rain!

After a lie in i took 2 trips to Lidl. The first without my purse!!! Luckily I realised when I went to get the £1 coin for the trolley. A bit annoying as I had to drive home again. On the positive, I had been listening to radio 4 extra on the way in, and it meant I heard the half hour comedy to the end!

Home at 11 for coffee. Then after i'd hung out the first load of washing ( on horse indoors) I cycled up to the allotment to feed the hens and move them along a bit. It was very wet, so not a fun job, but they are happier now, with a fresh bit of ground that has grass and weeds for them to peck on. When it brightens, I will be able to dig over and plant in the bit I've just moved them from, next to my onions. More onions perhaps!

After lunch, I drove to Sheringham for a few more bits that I couldn't get in Lidl. It was even wetter than the morning, so a walk down the high street wasn't enjoyable but I went in to Blyth and Wright hardware shop. It is like a big version of the old Haywards that used to be in Hoddesdon. I bought a toilet brush! Then to Smiths for a couple of biros for work. I think I should sent Norfolk CC the bill. Then to Mr 50p for a couple more bits including a 10kg sack of smokeless fuel to try in our woodburner. The neighbour is complaining about the smoke, so we are trying this. Its that or I've wasted a load of money and will still end up being cold until the weather changes. This working from home full time business is becoming less tolerable as time goes on, and I really want to be able to go back to the office for at least 3 days a week now. That or do something different.

Made a tiny squashed up mouse in an acorn, with an even tinier ladybird friend. Tomorrow if all the jobs are done, I'm hoping to be able to do so.e sewing or craft stuff on my day off.

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