Hot on the heels of my 8 year Blip anniversary is this huge number of Blips - and I honestly can’t believe that for M + M + M days I have blipped every day, with most of the photographs taken actually on the day, but if not, then at least I have fartnarkled on the day, and have never had to back-blip.

Finding something to photograph every day has been a challenge, and even more so during the lockdowns here in the UK - but I’ve managed it - and thankfully, I still have a very good imagination.  In fact, if you could have seen me cavorting around the garden to get this shot, holding up my selfie stick and shouting “Hey”, you would have thought, along with the neighbours, that I had taken leave of my blipping senses!

I wanted to do a play on the number for this special Blip, as I have done before, and today’s is M + M + M!  Those who follow me know that I like to do some research and I found out this about the symbol M for 1,000 and also about Roman numerals: 

“The Latin translation of the words One Thousand is Mille. The word for one thousand represents a cardinal number that conveys "how many". Mille is the translation of the word which means one thousand.  Roman numerals appear in building cornerstones and movie credits and titles. They are also used in names of monarchs, popes, ships and sporting events, like the Olympics and the Super Bowl, in astronomy to designate moons and in chemistry to denote groups of the Periodic Table.  Cosmetically, Roman numerals convey a sense of history and timelessness, which is especially true in clocks and watches.”  

Having this large anniversary in mind, earlier in the week I bought the chocolates, so of course, these will need to be eaten - what a good job I don't give up chocolate for Lent  - but you know that I am a chocoholic, so that won’t pose any problem and I daresay Mr. HCB will help out too.

I was also interested to look at my statistics - and not the vital ones - they are not for publication!  Obviously this is the day of my 3,000th Blip, so until today before I posted this, I had had a total of 787,548 views for my 2,999 Blips, which doesn't include all my Facebook friends who look at them every day, and had travelled 55,900 miles, which is staggering!   What is even more staggering is the amount that I have paid to my willing, eager and enthusiastic model, Mr. HCB, but neither he nor I are happy to disclose that amount!

I am thrilled to have made many friends during my eight years of Blipping and have had lots of Blipmeets, locally, in our home, and further afield.  We have also had the pleasure of staying with various Blip friends in Cornwall, Somerset, Guernsey and Hong Kong and hope that once this pandemic is over, we shall be able to visit even more Blip friends.  I say “we” because of course, Mr. HCB is as important a part of Blip as me - and without him, I wouldn’t have got this far.  

Looking back to my first Blips in January 2013, I can see how far I have come - not just in years, but seeing how my photography has improved and in what I have learned, much of which has been from Blip friends - so a HUGE THANKS to all of YOU for your help and encouragement over the years - long may it continue.

“Celebrating your achievements 
     is a way to acknowledge 
          the contribution of others 
               who stood with you and 
                    enabled you to succeed.” 
Dr Prem Jagyasi

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