Mono Monday

Hosted by PelorisJack. The theme is architectural glimpses. Here is a glimpse of the underside of the old bridge in Bathurst. The Macquarie River is running a banker (over the bike paths and low level bridge). We have only had 25mm rain but this water is from upstream in the Blue Mountains where they are awash. They are having severe flooding along the east coast and hinterland.

I just had a call from our local GP. They have booked us in for our flu vaccinations and will call when it’s our turn for the Covid shots.

The day started with no plans. That doesn’t last long. First call was from Nina asking us to mind Woofo their Jack Russell. We agreed but Woofo was not a happy dog and barked and yapped constantly. We ended up taking him home. On the return we drive down to check the river and were surprised at the amount of water as we have only had a small amount of rain overnight.

Next thing Bryan called asking us to do school pickup and mind the boys for a few hours after school. Then while I was having 40 winks I got 2 phone calls and the Solar electrician arrived to finish the job they did last much for a quiet day. at least I have a blip.

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