
By Viewpoint

Day 3 of my cherry tree photographic odyssey

... and my second day of multiple exposure photography.  Today I decided to start with different background images that I’d photographed before I re-visited the cherry tree, so the backgrounds were taken around the garden and then along the road - I walked as far as the chapel today, which felt good.  The backgrounds I used were all out of focus.  Then I selected flowers to photograph and chose a variety of backgrounds to see what worked.  These four all had a different background.  I think my favourite is the top right where I used an inverted version of the out of focus blue  bench at the back of the house.

I’ve had two spells of gardening - a longer one in the morning enabled me to finish clearing those pernicious small white flowered weeds into the compost bin and in the afternoon I cut back the dried Verbena Bonariensis which was straddling the grass path.  While I was sleeping in the back bedroom I spent a happy few minutes watching the goldfinches strip the seeds from these plants.

I received some difficult news this morning about my former partner who had died in her sleep over the weekend.  Not easy news. And an hour in the afternoon, talking about her and from there we morphed into talking photography and art, as we often do.  Thank goodness for supportive friends and for social media video.

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