
By JeanSnaps

On Leven beach.

Quite a lazy day although I did give the kitchen a quick once over before my grocery delivery arrived then wrote letters to friends.
Went out rather aimlessly in the car after three and took a back road where I thought there might be some pussy willow.  Definitely was being optimistic. The sun went in and clouds gathered. Rain began.  I went on however and ended up at Leven beach fortunately while the tide was out and the rain had stopped.  It was cold and windy and three maniacs were out with what looked like inflatables, ominous clouds had gathered over Largo Law and small seabirds were feeding along the water's edge. See Extras.  It was fantastic.  So exhilarating. I do like wild windy weather. Drove home appreciating my nice warm car as a rainstorm descended and feeling glad that I was treating myself to a BLT and a big glass of wine for dinner. Maybe even followed by ice cream.

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