Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Nicitating Number Eleven

I am long overdue adding to my visual yard birds record for the year.  In honesty, I am hoping to get something a little different this year of the common yard birds - maybe something special.  That said, I decided that I like this shot for the Common Grackle male - if you look closely at the eye, you can see that his "nicitating" membrane is pulled almost completely over his eye.  This whitish membrane is basically a second eyelid that birds can pull over their eye to protect it.  Usually the "blink" is very fast so catching it on camera - at least for me - is always a happy accident.  In some species the membrane is much more white looking that this, giving the bird a freaky appearance when it's pulled down.  If you'd like to see a close up showing his beautiful colors, have a peek HERE on Flickr - you've got to love those big yellow eyes!

I spent two hours at the doctor's office this morning - most of it waiting although she spent a lot of time with me going over history, scans, etc.  I have a small "spot" that showed up on my recent mammograms that was of sufficient concern to my regular doctor that she wanted me to consult a surgeon.  Anyway, the short story is that sometime in the next 3 weeks I will be having a quick procedure called a stereotactic biopsy which is performed in the radiology department of the local hospital using only topical numbing.  I had this procedure done once before, about 15 years ago, so I know what to expect.  A small amount of tissue will be withdrawn by needle to be biopsied.  The most likely outcome is that it is just some random growth.  And if it's not so random, then we'll just deal with it.  Won't say it doesn't cause some level of concern, but I am not overly stressed.  That said, I am hopeful that they can pull some strings and get me scheduled for the procedure next week; otherwise I will have to wait 3 weeks which would fall under the category of "sucky".  

I attended a zoom meeting regarding changes in senior care facilities in the state of NJ this afternoon.  It was put on by the Dept of Health (DOH) and I have to say that it was pretty much a waste of time.  Their "new" guidelines are vague and the hour left most of us with more questions than answers.  Fortunately, MIL's facility is great about communicating with the families of residents so I know we will get some clear direction from them as soon as they can get it sorted out.

Needing to give myself some nature therapy, I retreated to the hide for an hour watching birds and Stumpy (the chipmunk).  I eventually left the hide and Stumpy came running right over to me, wanting peanuts.  Funny how they remember.  In between cadging peanuts, he "helped" me with some gardening by digging up and relocating sunflower seeds.  HERE he is, in one of my large flower pots.  Honestly, who could really get upset with that face???

Stay safe out there, people.  Be kind.  And I'm still on the dark choco with essence of orange...


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