By lizzie_birkett

Sprung Forward!

It seemed to knock Frank's body clock off - he's been tired today but felt better after a lunchtime nap.
What miserable weather today though! I'm glad I got those jobs done in the garden over the last few days.
It seemed like a good day to sit on the sofa and play ukulele and practice some songs I haven't sung for ages. I'm a bit rusty as I haven't really felt inspired for music of late, art seemed to take over. I tend to get obsessed by different activities and do them day in day out for a while.
I did lots of 5 minute bursts on both ukes to get back into it and practised strums and finger picking. I looked in my old song book at some songs I had forgotten about.
I also did a bit of knitting - Will I ever finish this jumper? :-D

I ordered Amelia some trainers for her birthday. She must be growing up as instead of the usual pink, purple and turquoise colours she chose black with leopard print round the heel and sole. She'll be 9 in less than 2 weeks!

We're just back from a longish (for me with gammy foot!) walk with Bella May and it stayed dry but it was very windy. It was good to get out in the fresh air.
The lady next door but one just told Frank she and her husband had their second jab this morning. We were not long after them with our first one so fingers X'd!
Then we just need Nicola to let us into Scotland to see our kids and grandchildren. Lets hope we get there before there's a potential third wave! We just need everyone to be sensible ;-)

There are two Chris Packham programmes on tonight - one about Animal Einsteins and one about the growing Human Population, should be interesting.

It was quite a nice weekend, I hope it was for you too.

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