New reality day 245

Today's been interesting day.

In the morning I did some seed planting. I planted watermelons (my favorite fruit), spinach and basil. Something is finally happening with my strawberries, I hope they weren't ruined when Niklas accidentally flipped them over, so the seeds might be where ever in the planting bed. I just shoved the compost back and couldn't even see the same color seeds. I did buy a new bag of strawberry seeds just in case. I basically love most of the fruit and berries.

Anyway the interesting and very nice surprise was that E from the old job (she left week before me) texted me asking if I was home and if she could come visit. She did and we talked for few hours. Boy that felt good. We got to dish out all the shit from the old job. I think we both needed it. Turned out she had made the same observations about how things were. Who were the ones who avoided work, who bitched about everyone else, who smelled bad. It's so nice to understand that I wasn't alone with all that.

The very peculiar part of my day was when E (as my account is private now I can share a bit more) told me that she lost her partner to drugs and organized crime! He'd left the house two years ago. She's tried to beg him to leave it and come back, but to my understanding he's too deep in to be let out. And apparently doesn't even wanna. So she's looking for a new place to live in. Leaving this area by the autumn. She has dogs and donkeys so she needs a special kind of place to take the animals with her. I'm gonna go see her donkeys at some point.

But drugs and organized crime! That's like from TV! I've never known anyone to have any relationship with such. Except our old neighbor from Helsinki who was in the police special force undercover trying to catch such people.

After E left I took a 10km cycle with my husband. I intent to start cycling to work next week. I haven't done it for 3 months, so I wanna do couple of rides before that. My legs are in shock after that ride. So I really need to practice bit before I start doing it 5 times a week.

Oh in the picture is my Brassica oleracea capitata ie Red cabbage starting show signs of life. I hope I don't kill it.

My tomatoes are doing so good that latest the end of the week I need to start dividing them into bigger pots. I was going to do it today, but as E showed up it needed to be postponed.

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