Peacock #2

Good Friday and it seems like we've been blessed with some nice weather for a change. It's been a lot warmer in the sun than we expected and after shopping for my parents in the morning, we went for a sit in their garden with my brother and his 2 daughters (yes, I know, that makes 7, but we were all socially distanced and sensible...).
I've not seen my brother or nieces since Christmas Day, and it was so nice just to sit in the sun for an hour or two and just chat and be almost normal again. 
I was going to post a shot of some nice tulips and wallflowers from their garden, but that can now wait for next week if they are still looking OK. 
Whilst I was back in our garden this afternoon not doing very much apart from inspecting how much growth had happened since yesterday(!), this peacock fluttered down onto the patio and sat sunning itself. I went inside, grabbed my camera but when I got back it had gone. Within seconds it was back again, obviously liking the warm concrete. It's a shame it didn't choose to land on anything a bit prettier, but it was nice to see all the same. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone. 

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