An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Finito Completo!

Backblipped 06.04.21

At last!

I feel I have been crocheting this blanket for ages and felt I would never get to the end, but today I finally made it.  Woo hoo!  

Actually I've just checked when the wool arrived and it was 16th March, so it hasn't taken me as long as I thought!  Only three weeks and I've not been crocheting every day.  Just feels like forever!  lol

Douglas and the garden gang arrived and finished clearing out the centre bed in the garden.  Despite telling Douglas that all the shrubs had to go APART FROM my beloved lupins...well you know where this story is going don't you?  D thinks they've just cut them down (their lovely green shoots were growing beautifully ready to bloom next month) but I think they've removed them completely.  I wasn't happy.  

Other than that, a fairly uneventful day mainly spent crocheting, until a little drama crept in early evening.

I suppose it really started yesterday morning when I experienced an episode of a racing heart beat.  It started when I was drying my hair.  It's quite difficult to explain but initially I felt as though my heart was beating in my throat and I was very conscious of it.  It happened on and off through out the day but I felt ok when I went to bed.

Felt absolutely fine this morning and throughout the day.  I hadn't said anything to D yesterday but thought I should mention it to him this morning.  He suggested I check my resting heart rate on Alan's Oxi-meter to get a base line.  It was between 80 and 85, which is normal for me.  Checked it on and off throughout the day and got my normal reading.  

David took Lola out for her second walk just before 6pm whilst I attempted to make final decisions on the shrubs and flowers we want to plant in the now derelict areas of the garden.  As I sat going through the RHS's online plant database, I was aware that my heart beat was doing odd things again.  I popped the oximeter onto my finger and was a little alarmed to see it register 149bpm.  I checked it again a couple of minutes later...137bpm.  After 5 minutes if had come down to 99bpm but wasn't for lowering. 

David and Lola returned a few minutes later and I updated him.  I'd actually felt a little faint this time so we decided that I should perhaps get some advice.

Contacted NHS 24 and after going through the assessment it was decided that an ambulance would be sent so the paramedics could check me over.  I was mortified.  I always feel such a time waster!

Anyhoo, two very lovely paramedics duly arrived, Jim and Craig.  They set about doing their thing, including an ECG, BP and temperature check.   ECG was normal, BP slightly up (none if us were surprised by that :-) temp slightly raised but the room was warm and I'm a certain age so we'll say no more about that!  :-). 

Once the checks were complete, they concluded I wasn't in imminent danger of anything untoward happening but because of the symptoms I had experienced, they would speak to a Consultant at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee for advice.  They asked what my preferred option would be from go to hospital to be seen there, or stay home and contact my GP in the morning.  My preferred choice was definitely the latter!

Jim went out to the ambulance to contact the hospital and Craig stayed in the house with us.  By the time Jim got through to the Consultant a fair amount of time had passed and Craig, David and I had put the world to rights!  lol. We were shocked to hear about the increase in abuse and violence all the ambulance crews are experiencing.  It seems that the last couple of years has seen an escalation and he said differences in attitude from the older and younger generation is remarkable, with a certain element of the younger generation feeling very entitled.  I know that's a sweeping generalisation but that's the attitude they're experiencing amongst the majority of that age group that end up in the back of their ambulance.   Awful.  

Jim returned from speaking with the Consultant and he was happy for me to stay at home and contact my GP in the morning, so they packed up their stuff and off they went. 

I hadn't eaten since lunch time so had a cuppa and a slice of toast then bed.  Was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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