
We were not on childcare duties today so I had some free time.  I did however take our grandchild out on his trike while his parents got themselves ready to take him out for a longer morning visit to the sea.  I then did some rapid book reading and almost finished the novel for the afternoon bookclub zoom meeting.  We were discussing the book Restless by William Boyd - a spy thriller that we all agreed was an engrossing read with many thought provoking themes. 

Our grandson had another trip to a different beach in the afternoon with a walk in his wellies by the sea edge, he also has had a busy day.

This evening I was looking at Day 2 of the Equine Composite challenge and again was stuck on using the move tool but have realised that I can use copy and paste.  Such slow progress but I did manage to use layers for todays abstract challenge with a tweak of the colours. Now its back to the challenge.

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