Barber Queue

Today has been a housework day - so exciting! That and Tesco shopping. Also I did some laundry and put it outside to dry. It has been quite pleasant after a very frosty start to the day.

I did go out and have a walk in the park to find a Blip before lunch. The light was good and I took quite a few photos. For a change I took a different exit to leave the park and walked past this barber shop on Monks Road. It had quite a queue since it is the first day they are open after Lockdown. The two guys on the right heading up the street were walking to join the queue, and were not best pleased! Still, they have waited four months - another hour or so will not matter!

I've not heard anything from work - don't know what is going on there! I've applied for another job now too, but not heard back from them yet either!

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